Do you lead your family like it’s an organization?

It may be silly to even think, but imagine for a moment leading your family like it’s an organization.

In that case, you act like a CEO and interact with family members as if you’re their chief executive and they’re your employees.

This would mean you treat the quality of life your family leads as a product, you’re out to produce something specific.

And that would also mean your spouse, children, and other family members are customers.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see the foolishness in trying to lead a family like this, does it?

That’s because a family is NOT an organization, a husband or wife is NOT a CEO, family life is NOT a product, and your spouse and children are NOT customers.

Then why do so many church leaders treat the church this way?

The church is NOT an organization, pastors are NOT CEOs, a church service is NOT a product, and church members and the community are NOT customers … but many church leaders act as if all of this is true instead of realizing that …

The church is the family of God.

Pastors are first servants as under-shepherds over the family of God.

Church services are the family of God gathered to worship and glorify our Father together, to learn more about living as His children, and to enjoy fellowship as fellow family members.

Those church members are beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, and the community is the mission field we toil in to help others become adopted by God into His family.

If you try to lead God’s family like it’s an organization and you’re its CEO, you’ll largely fail at making new disciples of Jesus Christ — new members of a family. Oh you might create a product and gain new customers, but that is not the same as welcoming new brothers and sisters in Christ into the family of God.

So what are you doing: leading a family or leading an organization?
