Counsel for a President …

The job of President of the United States of America is too big for any one man or woman to handle without the counsel of many advisers.

The need for wise counsel for our presidents started with our first one, George Washington, and long before he became the leader of our country. James Rees writes in, “George Washington’s Leadership Lessons”:

“George Washington’s father died when he was just eleven, and for a time the young Washington had his heart set on joining the British navy. However, his mother had some serious reservations about that path and eventually strongly urged him to reconsider. He listened to his mother, and rather than becoming the captain of a ship, he became Commander in Chief of the entire military forces of the United States of America.”

Rees concluded his story with the insight, “Much of the course of our lives is determined by the input we get when making decisions and whether we heed wise counsel when we receive it.”

It’s not just the presidency that needs the input of wise counsel, so do we! This life is too big and too laden with challenges to navigate it from our own feeble knowledge. That’s why scripture implores us to seek the advice of wise counsel:

“Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others,” Proverbs 12:15.

“Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success,” Proverbs 15:22.

“Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life,” Proverbs 19:20.

Do you seek wise counsel for your life, or are you relying only on yourself for all of your decisions?
