Has God gifted you as a “geek” for just such a time as this?

Some people alive today have never known the world without computers, smart phones, tablets, the internet, and all things electronic. They grew up in a digital world where a wide array of technology is embedded deeply into our daily living.

For the rest of us, we’ve been eyewitnesses to just how unimaginably transforming the “technology age” would be for much of the world.

Along with the rise of technology — specifically computers and the internet — has come the rise of the “geeks,” a term of endearment for those who are enthusiasts and experts in a technological field or activity. And it’s especially to you that I write to ask you to thoughtfully and prayerfully consider this question:

Has God gifted you as a “geek” for just such a time as this?

Never has the church needed your knowledge, talent, experience, and skills more than it does today.

The onset of a global pandemic has profoundly impacted the church, forcing most churches to move their gatherings online and much of their ministry to relying in part on various applications of technology. Yet, the vast majority of church leaders don’t have the technological knowledge and skills needed to fully, effectively, and creatively use technology the way we need to NOW, and will need to adapt to in the immediate future and for the long-term.

So I call out to all of those wonderful Christian geeks out there to consider proactively approaching your church leaders to offer your knowledge, talent, experience, and skills to be used to assist in the ministry of the church and in service to the kingdom of God.

It’s hard to believe that before the pandemic, there were many churches that still didn’t have a website. Having one today, and going forward, is now an essential component for ministry. Being able to make and share videos of sermons and other content is now a necessity for churches. A church or Christian organization having their own app, and using text and social media are now important avenues of communication and connection. For these things and more, we need the expertise of the talented Christian “geek” because, generally speaking, ministry today can’t adequately be done without you!

And not just in the church.

There are numerous Christian organizations, charities, and non-profits that serve alongside the church that are heavily reliant on being able to harness technology to serve the church and people in need. And technology is increasingly a critical need for Christian colleges and universities. There’s a wide array of need for the expertise in technology for “kingdom work.”

And, dear Christian geek, it’s not just your skills we need; church leaders also need you to help them think, dream, and imagine ministry in ways they don’t know how to do. We need your ideas and suggestions for how technology can be applied to ministry in ways that church leaders can’t see, don’t know about, or don’t yet know how to imagine.

So let me encourage you to think and pray about what you would be willing to offer, especially as a volunteer, to churches and Christian organizations in times such as these. You can help shape the work of the church and Christian organizations for the future. Will you answer the call?
