The pursuit of a lifetime …

Did you know the issue of burnout is once again on the rise?

Human beings have long tried to find purpose for living and identity in their careers (always failing to do so because neither of those things come from our careers), and have suffered the consequences of failed relationships and ruined health because of it. But when Jesus Christ isn’t preeminent (see Colossians 1) in our lives — our very purpose for existing — we strive to find purpose and peace somehow, in someone or something. Kind of like the story pastor Terry Blankenship tells of a couple who longed for a place of peace and safety, a paradise on earth …

    In the 1980’s a retired couple was alarmed by the threat of nuclear war so they undertook a serious study of all the inhabited places on the globe. Their goal was to determine where in the world would be the least likely place affected by a nuclear war — a place of ultimate peace and security. They studied and traveled, traveled and studied. Finally they found the place. And on Christmas they sent their pastor a card from their new home — in the Falkland Islands. However, their “paradise” was soon turned into a war zone by Great Britain and Argentina in the conflict now recorded in history books as the Falkland War.

If you want something to pursue with your life that has purpose, and will bring you peace, then listen to this “pursuit of a lifetime” Jesus challenges all of to take up:

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need,” Matthew 6:33.

Is this the pursuit of your life?
