If the Apostle Paul could write your New Year resolution for 2023 …

People love to argue, a fact that has been humorously pointed out on social media sites with the sharing of the meme pictured to the right.

There are some things people argue about every year, almost as if the subjects were recorded on their calendar with reminders set on their smartphones. One such favorite topic is arguing over whether or not a person should make New Year resolutions.

Personally, I’ve always been an advocate for them because I’m a strong advocate of of regular times for self-examination and having some goals in life to pursue.

The most common resolutions made each year include losing weight, getting fit, stop smoking, and “become a better person” — all respectable goals usually forgotten by most before the end of the New Year’s first month.

But …

There are many people who do make time to take stock of themselves and their lives and to set some worthy goals for the new year before them, and then actually achieve those goals.

So, if you were to sit down and prayerfully consider something to pursue whole-heartedly in 2023, what would it be?

Imagine if you had available to in your considerations the counsel of the Apostle Paul to help you set some wise goals for the coming year. What might he suggest? I think it might be something like the encouragement and challenge he once made, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to the Corinthian Christians:

“Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God,” 2 Corinthians 7:1.

What better way to start a new year than that?

Read that again, and if you’re willing to make that passage a scripture a part of what you’re resolved to in 2023, sit down and prayerfully put together HOW it can be accomplished.
