Congratulations graduates of the class of 2023, you’ve earned your primer!

Graduation feels like such a grand accomplishment.

That’s because it is!

Whether you’re graduating high school or college, receiving your diploma or degree marks the culmination of years of hard work, study, and lots of learning.

Well, at least that’s the idea, but not the chief motivation of all students.

A college freshman was giving her friend a tour of the college she attended. She pointed out the various recreational sights in the area and the numerous places for eating out. When they returned to the dorm, the freshman reminded her visiting friend that they needed to be quiet because her roommates were studying. Before they entered the room she whispered to her friend, “All they do is study. Honestly, I don’t even know why they came to college.”

It will take very little time from the day of your graduation ceremony to begin to see what you’ve gained from your opportunity to learn. For one class, the graduation ceremony itself reflected a lack of … accomplishment:

    It was graduation day, and everybody was going to get their diploma … except David.

    At the assembly, the entire senior class stood up and shouted, “Let Dave graduate, let Dave graduate!”

    The principal agreed to give David one last chance.

    “If I have five apples in my right hand and five in my left hand, David, how many apples do I have?” he asked.

    Dave thought long and hard and then answered, “Ten.”

    At that the entire senior class stood up and shouted, “Give Dave another chance. Give Dave another chance!”

So now it’s your turn to graduate. Whatever you have learned, or missed the opportunity to learn, hopefully you’re advancing to your next step in life having learned how to learn. That’s because one thing is certain: You have not learned everything you need to know for the rest of your life; that will require ongoing learning.

So what, then, have you accomplished with the diploma or degree you’re about to receive?

You’ve earned your “primer,” a “base coat” of education that better positions you for a life of learning.

If you’ve ever painted a room in your house or perhaps in an office, you may have first applied a coat of primer before brushing on a layer or two of your favorite color of paint. The paint shopping company, Clare, describes paint primer like this:

“Priming walls may seem like an extra step in the painting process, but the benefits far outweigh the extra work. Think of paint primer as a base coat that creates the foundation for a flawless paint job. From cutting down the number of coats you’ll need, to protecting your paint from wear over the years, priming actually makes your job easier in the long run. And no matter what your skill level, using a wall primer will help you achieve a professional-looking finish.”

Think of your journey through schools thus far as your primer coat of learning for what lies ahead for you in life. With the primer now applied, you’re ready to begin brushing on some of the fuller, deeper, richer colors of life and, hopefully, paint something beautiful with your life.

Congratulations graduates, may God richly bless you!
