Five ways we ruin a God-given vision of ministry …

Through Scott Free Clinic’s consulting service — one of our six free core services — this ministry spends time and resources helping lift the ministry of churches and other ministries and organizations.

That happened again just this morning with someone on the starting end of stepping out to be faithful to the vision of ministry God has called him to.

He doesn’t want to fail.

Because of that, I shared with him five very quick ways we can ruin a God-given vision of ministry:

1. We change the vision from what was given. When God gives us a vision for ministry, it’s given for His glory and for the good of others. God knows how to give such vision correctly the first time, but often the first thing a person does with a God-given vision is think they need to put their own stamp on it by tweaking it some way. What you then have is your vision of ministry, not God’s.

2. We listen to others who advise we change the vision in some way from how it was given. There’s nothing wrong with seeking wise counsel about implementing or acting on the vision God has given you, but we often share it with others like this: “God has given me this vision of ministry ..,” then we explain it and finish with a question, “What do you think about it?”

That little question is often taken as an open invitation to offer variances, tweaks … or corrections on the vision God gave YOU, not them. But that usually doesn’t stop the other person(s) from advising you change it in some way. Once again, you wind up with someone else’s vision of ministry rather than the one God gave you.

3. Fear results in a stall or a non-start. When we examine what it will take to turn the vision into reality, we can allow fear to intimidate us to the point we stall and start poorly, or not at all.

4. We don’t exercise faith to start. God often gives us visions of ministry that are bigger than us, ministry that requires we rely on Him, and often He doesn’t fully resource it from the start. You see stepping out to obey the call will require an act of faith, and for some, that’s where they falter.

5. We don’t trust God enough. Ministry is a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, whatever kind of ministry we’re called to do. We’re often sharply aware of our own inadequacy but we’re also not sure God will come through with what is needed to turn the vision into reality. It’s a matter of trust.

So here’s the thing:

– When God gives you a vision of ministry, He’s fully aware that the call is to something bigger than you, something you’re inadequate to accomplish on your own; that it’s something you’ll have to depend on Him for. In all things, He sees the end from the beginning, which means He sees what will be accomplished if you obey and rely on Him, or how He’ll use you to start something that others will finish long after you’re out of the picture.

– God doesn’t give people a vision He won’t also provide the means to make it happen, if He wants it fully completed by you.

– And the success of the call isn’t up to you. What God is looking for is your trust, faithfulness, and collaboration with Him; the fruit from that is something God will provide – that’s because ministry is a supernatural work that depends on Him. Jesus reminded us of that: “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing,” John 15:5.

So, some wise steps for starting would include:

– Don’t mess with the vision God gave you, follow it explicitly.

– You don’t need to ask people what they think about the vision God gave you, but seeking godly and wise counsel to help you with how to faithfully launch out can be helpful. Just don’t let others tweak God’s vision.

– Trust God.
