So much cardio equipment, so limited time …

Walk into most public gyms and you’re not confronted with a vast amount of free weights, although there are plenty of those available with an assortment to choose from.

What takes up a major swath of space in most gyms is cardio equipment. That isn’t because most people joining a gym are primarily doing so to improve their cardiovascular health, it’s because most people join a gym to lose weight. And when it comes to burning calories, most people think “cardio exercise.”

There’s more to losing weight than just cardio exercise, but it is true that cardiovascular exercise, done properly and consistently, is a primary method of efficiently burning calories for those who want to lose or manage their weight.

Although a lot of floor space in gyms is devoted to cardio equipment, that’s not because there is a myriad of equipment choices. The space is gobbled up because most of the cardio equipment has two or three dozen (at least!) of each kind of equipment so a lot people can use the same kind of equipment at the same time. In most public gyms, the most common cardio equipment available includes the following: a rowing machine, elliptical machines, treadmills, stair climbers, stationary bike (upright), recumbent bike, spin bike, and hopefully at least one air bike.

The primary purpose of all that cardio equipment is to improve cardiovascular health, enhance cardiovascular endurance, and burn calories through aerobic exercise. So, let’s take a brief look at how those eight pieces of cardio equipment mentioned above do in those three areas:

Rowing Machine
Cardiovascular Health: Rowing machines provide a full-body workout, engaging both upper and lower body muscles. They improve cardiovascular health by enhancing endurance and promoting efficient blood circulation.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance: Rowing is excellent for building endurance, as it involves continuous movement and challenges various muscle groups.

Burning Calories: Rowing burns calories effectively due to its comprehensive engagement of major muscle groups.

Proper Use Note: Maintain proper form by sitting tall, pulling the handle toward your chest, and pushing back with your legs. Focus on smooth, controlled movements. You can find several videos on YouTube of personal trainers demonstrating the proper form and technique for using a rowing machine. This is an excellent choice for cardio exercise, one of my personal favorites.

Elliptical Machine
Cardiovascular Health: Ellipticals offer low-impact exercise, benefiting cardiovascular health without stressing joints.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance: They provide a moderate endurance workout, especially when using the handles for upper body movement.

Burning Calories: Ellipticals burn calories efficiently due to their continuous motion.

Proper Use Note: Stand upright, engage your core, and use both arms and legs for a balanced workout.

Cardiovascular Health: Treadmills simulate walking or running, improving cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance: Running or brisk walking on a treadmill builds endurance.

Burning Calories: Treadmills burn calories effectively, especially during high-intensity intervals. However, you’ll burn more calories more quickly on a rowing machine or an elliptical machine.

Proper Use Note: Start with a warm-up, maintain good posture, and adjust speed and incline gradually. A mistake many people make is holding onto the handrails – don’t do that unless necessary! You should have a natural movement of your arms as if you were walking briskly off of a machine.

Stair Climber (Step Machine)
Cardiovascular Health: Stair climbers simulate climbing stairs, providing an effective cardiovascular workout.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance: Consistent use improves endurance, especially for leg muscles.

Burning Calories: Stair climbers effectively and efficiently burn calories by engaging major muscle groups.

Proper Use Note: Maintain an upright posture, use handrails lightly for balance, and step rhythmically.

Stationary Bike
Cardiovascular Health: Stationary bikes offer low-impact cycling, benefiting cardiovascular health.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance: Regular cycling on a stationary bike improves endurance.

Burning Calories: Biking burns calories efficiently, especially during high-intensity intervals. HOWEVER, the stationary and recumbent bikes are the least effective gym cardio equipment in that you must go farther and longer on either of these bikes to match the calories you would burn on a rowing machine, elliptical machine, or an air bike.

Proper Use Note: Adjust seat height, pedal smoothly, and maintain proper form.

Recumbent Bike
Cardiovascular Health: Recumbent bikes provide a comfortable, reclined position for cardiovascular exercise.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance: They are effective for moderate endurance workouts.

Burning Calories: Recumbent biking burns calories at a steady pace, but as noted above, much more slowly than some other cardio equipment.

Proper Use Note: Sit comfortably, adjust seat distance, and pedal with controlled effort.

Air Bike
Cardiovascular Health: Air bikes combine cycling with upper body movement, offering intense cardio.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance: They challenge endurance due to the fan resistance.

Burning Calories: Air bikes burn calories rapidly during high-intensity intervals.

Proper Use Note: Push and pull handles simultaneously, maintain a consistent pace.

Spin Bike
Cardiovascular Health: Spin bikes simulate outdoor cycling, elevating heart rate.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance: Spin classes enhance endurance through varied routines.

Burning Calories: Intense spin sessions burn calories effectively.

Proper Use Note: Adjust seat and handlebar height, pedal with proper form, and follow instructor cues.

The most effective cardio machines, based on research, are:

Cardiovascular Health Winner: Rowing Machine – Full-body engagement, low-impact, strengthens heart and lungs.

Building Endurance Winner: Tie – Air bike and stair climber – High-intensity, engages major muscle groups, improves VO2 max (oxygen uptake).

Burning Calories Winner: Air bike – Intense workout, utilizes upper and lower body, burns high calories per hour.

Additional Notes:

    • Elliptical and stationary bike are good all-rounders for cardio health and calorie burning.
    • Recumbent bike offers similar benefits with back support, good for beginners or those with back issues.
    • Spin bike targets lower body and endurance, but less calorie burn than air bike.
    • Consult a doctor before starting any new exercise program.

This information is based on research comparing calorie expenditure, muscle engagement, and impact on cardiovascular health. Remember, individual results will vary, and choosing the machine you enjoy most is key to consistent workouts.
