How ministers can be the greatest impediment to evangelism in the church …

The Great Commission is clear: “… There, go and make disciples of all nations …” (Matthew 28:18-20). Evangelism is not just an aspect of the church’s mission, it is the mission. Yet, in the vast majority of churches today, evangelism is either neglected or all but nonexistent. What’s even more concerning is that in many of these churches, the ministers themselves are often the greatest obstacles to evangelism.

From failing to equip their members for evangelism to neglecting their own role in the mission, ministers can create an environment that diminishes or entirely ignores the church’s evangelistic purpose. Despite having the most direct influence in guiding the church toward its biblical mandate, many ministers remain passive in fostering an evangelistic culture, and in doing so, they undermine the very work for which the church exists.

Here are some of the reasons why ministers are often the greatest impediment to evangelism:

A lack of personal interest in evangelism. Some ministers may not actively prioritize evangelism in their personal lives, and this lack of passion becomes evident to their members. If a pastor isn’t fervently sharing the gospel or doesn’t express a genuine commitment to reaching the lost, the congregation will mirror this attitude. The message they communicate, intentionally or not, is that evangelism isn’t crucial. Church leaders are meant to lead by example, and if evangelism isn’t part of their own life and ministry, it’s unlikely to take root in the church’s culture.

For instance, if a pastor avoids engaging with non-believers or is unenthusiastic about outreach programs, the congregation may see this as a tacit permission not to engage in evangelism themselves. According to research by the Barna Group, many pastors struggle with the perceived effectiveness of evangelism, contributing to a culture where outreach becomes secondary (at best) to internal church life. This lack of enthusiasm can translate into stagnant spiritual growth, both for the leader and the members they shepherd.

Failure to equip the saints for evangelism. Ephesians 4:11-12 lays out a clear biblical expectation for church leaders: “Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.” The primary responsibility of ministers is not only to preach and teach but also to equip their members in the work of ministry, especially in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Yet, most churches do not provide ANY kind of training for their members in how to effectively share the gospel. Without clear, practical instruction in evangelism, members can feel unequipped, intimidated, or unmotivated to share their faith. When ministers neglect to provide tools and training on this essential area of Christian life, the entire church suffers. As a result, members remain passive, leaving evangelism to a small group of enthusiasts, and failing to recognize it as part of their own calling as followers of Christ.

A narrow understanding of the mission of the church. Many ministers unknowingly reduce the church’s mission to internal activities, such as teaching, programs, worship services, “developing leaders,” or social programs. This may lead to the misconception that the church’s primary role is solely about spiritual growth, fellowship for believers, and/or “doing good deeds” rather than making disciples of the nations. Some ministers, unfortunately, miss the point of the Great Commission. If evangelism is viewed as a mere peripheral activity, something that happens only when convenient, it is less likely to be prioritized within the life of the church.

This failure to emphasize the evangelical aspect of discipleship can make ministers complacent in their role. For example, a church might focus primarily on fellowship, social justice, or internal discipleship programs, but neglect the foundational mandate of making new disciples. A minister might view the Great Commission as a suggestion rather than a command and, as a result, may not lead the church in evangelistic efforts.

Lack of personal discipleship. Many ministers, despite their Bible college education, have never been personally discipled in the way of Christ. Without someone to walk alongside them in their early spiritual formation, helping them grow in Christ and modeling the faith, many enter their pastoral roles without the personal growth required to lead others in making disciples. Discipleship is not merely about gaining theological knowledge, it is about walking with Christ, being transformed by Him, and sharing that transformation with others. Ministers who have not had the benefit of this kind of personal discipleship may lack the practical skills and confidence to lead their members in sharing the gospel. As a result, they may shy away from encouraging members to evangelize because they themselves feel unprepared.

A disconnect between evangelism and discipleship. Another reason ministers may hinder evangelism is their entertaining a disconnect between evangelism and discipleship. Some may see evangelism as the first step, but they focus more heavily on deepening the faith of existing believers than on reaching new ones. However, the two are inextricably linked. Discipleship without evangelism can lead to a “holy huddle,” where the church becomes inward-focused rather than outward-reaching.

Evangelism is not merely about increasing church attendance; it is about fulfilling the biblical mandate to make disciples, who in turn go and make more disciples. The call to evangelize is not secondary to discipleship; it is the catalyst for it. Without an understanding of this interconnection, ministers risk falling into the trap of neglecting evangelism altogether.

Addiction to the attractional model. Many ministers are so invested in the attractional model of church growth that they fail to recognize evangelism as a responsibility for every believer. Instead, they see evangelism as something for church leaders alone to handle, believing that church growth will happen through great programs and inviting people to services. However, this model overlooks the biblical vision presented in 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 (the “Great Appointment”), where every Christian is appointed to be an ambassador for Christ. As Paul says in this passage, God wants to make His appeal to the lost through us, through all believers. Evangelism is not reserved for a few “professionals” in the church; it is the mission of every Christian. When ministers fail to embrace this, they limit the scope of evangelism and leave many Christians feeling uninvolved in the mission of God.

Cultural and generational shifts. Another factor at play is the cultural and generational shift that many ministers face. As society becomes more secular, the act of sharing the gospel may seem daunting or irrelevant to some. Many pastors view modern culture as hostile to the gospel message, which can discourage them from even attempting to evangelize. When ministers internalize this skepticism, they fail to encourage their members to take risks for the sake of the gospel. However, it is often precisely in difficult or resistant cultural contexts that the church can have the greatest impact by courageously sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The reality is this: The church cannot afford for its leaders to remain passive or unaware when it comes to evangelism. If ministers aren’t living out the mission to make disciples, how can they expect their people to? Evangelism is not a task for a select few; it is the calling of every believer, and it’s time for church leaders to fully embrace that truth.

Pastors, your role is to faithfully equip your people for the work of the gospel. When you model evangelism, teach your congregation to share the gospel confidently, and prioritize evangelism as the church’s central mission, you align your church with God’s will for reaching the lost. The responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission rests on all believers, but it starts with the leadership. The world is waiting, and the time to act is now.
