History has known great leaders but only one is the eternal King …

President Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is often considered one of the greatest Presidents in American history. His leadership through the Civil War, his dedication to preserving the Union, and his commitment to ending slavery have cemented his legacy as a leader of integrity and vision. But for all his greatness, Lincoln was still just a man — mortal, fallible, and bound by the limits of human existence.

In 1901, over three decades after his assassination, Lincoln’s casket was opened to confirm that his body was still there. Fears of grave robbers and conspiracy theories led to the verification that, indeed, his remains had not been disturbed. The body of Abraham Lincoln was exactly where it had been laid to rest.

Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt, writing in Life Magazine on February 15, 1963, captured a profound contrast: “Abraham Lincoln’s casket was opened in 1901 because it was feared that his body was not there. Christ’s tomb was opened to prove He is not there.” No matter how great a human leader may be, no matter how much they accomplish, they remain only human. Lincoln was a remarkable man, but he could not escape death. His work ended with his last breath.

But Jesus is different. The empty tomb was not a revelation of loss, but of victory. His work did not end at the cross, it continues today. He is not just a figure of history; He is alive, reigning, and calling all people to follow Him. Nations need wise and just leaders, but every person and every nation ultimately needs the One who holds all authority in heaven and on earth.

This Presidents’ Day, we can honor the legacy of leaders like Lincoln, but we must recognize that our hope cannot rest in even the greatest of men. Kingdoms rise and fall. Presidents come and go. But Jesus Christ reigns forever, and His kingdom will never end.
