Lying about others in our own minds …
We are always talking to ourselves. We may not do so aloud, or even consciously, but we’re always talking to ourselves, if in our own minds or […]
We are always talking to ourselves. We may not do so aloud, or even consciously, but we’re always talking to ourselves, if in our own minds or […]
If you’re what we think of as an “average person,” you probably think of yourself as a “kind” person. BUT, you’re probably not quite as kind as […]
Last year Fox News produced a report that probably didn’t surprise anyone, but likely verified how many feel … A new study out of England shows that […]
Sometimes we mix up wants with needs. More often, we just prefer pursuing wants over needs. But we are far better at chasing after what we want […]
How can you get the most out of life? How can you have the best life possible? A casual glance at popular publications reveal how we are […]
If you’re doing Christmas right, it’s a time when you just cannot contain your joy! My first experience of this truth about Christmas was as a kid, […]
One of the most common failings we Christians experience is that of perseverance in trusting God. The challenge we struggle with is coming to an understanding that […]
Our knowledge of our own lives is limited to the right now. This minute. We don’t accurately know anything beyond what we’re experiencing right now, and we […]
Do you remember those days of young love? Life was going along just fine when that person walked into your life and up-ended the normal. Then, all […]
I recently ran across an interesting factoid: “The pupil of the eye expands as much as 45 percent when a person looks at something pleasing.” If that’s […]