Maybe it’s time to buy a plow …
Limantour Beach in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore just north of San Francisco is one of my favorite beaches on the planet. When I used to live […]
Limantour Beach in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore just north of San Francisco is one of my favorite beaches on the planet. When I used to live […]
The heresy of the “prosperity gospel” is saturating the church. It’s message is that your relationship with Jesus Christ is all about you and your extracting as […]
We don’t trust people to obey Jesus Christ. At least, when it comes to being a person who has such integrity that they consistently tell the truth. […]
There are certain things that become popular memes and ideas because leaders — both Christian and secular — state them over and over again as fact even […]
In the days of Jesus, nothing could rob you of life more than contracting leprosy. Not only would the disease rot away your physical being, it would […]
Wishing only for your children to be happy may well be the fastest way to ruin their lives. At least, spiritually. You’ve probably heard parents say, “I […]
This morning I received word from one of my sister’s that her husband will begin hospice care today — he’s dying of cancer. There’s nothing that motivates […]
The title: “Jesus Called, He Wants His Church Back.” Could you possibly come up with a cheesier title than that?! Except, in this case, the title really […]
Yesterday I saw the above photo posted by someone on Twitter. It struck me that it’s a good visual for how many of us approach the Christian […]
This past weekend was sprinkled with some great conversations, one of which touched on the topic of sacrifice, something most of us think we’ve experienced, but few […]