Overcoming the disorientation of the Kingdom of God …
A great reason why discipleship is so vitally important is that the Kingdom of God doesn’t function like the life we’ve known prior to entering a covenant […]
A great reason why discipleship is so vitally important is that the Kingdom of God doesn’t function like the life we’ve known prior to entering a covenant […]
This world is overflowing with people who are worried, anxious, and loaded down with burdens. Who doesn’t know someone who is “stressed out”?! Did you know that […]
I was a curious kid. I’m still curious! My curiosity has led me to explore, to research, and to study. When I was a kid, somehow a […]
In one of his sermons, C. Philip Green tells the following story … In one little Midwestern town, Miss Jones had the distinction of being the oldest […]
There’s no human being alive, or who has ever lived, who has earned or deserves the grace of God. “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short […]
I won’t use this space to rehash my dislike of how Christian publishers are constantly cooking up new ways to repackage the Bible to have a new […]
Not everyone wants to be fit. That doesn’t sound like a true statement. Surely EVERYONE wants to be fit, right? Well, more than half of Americans would […]
In the work I do, I’m blessed with the opportunity to get to know a lot of church leaders, and as I’ve reflected on the lives of […]
The “gurus” of the positive-thinking industry make fortunes convincing people that they’re much stronger than they think they are, and they can be anything they want to […]
A couple days ago I noticed the picture above of the Peanuts characters ice skating. I was almost surprised at how viewing the art immediately brought to […]