Christmas compels us to worship …
Christmas is a BIG story! A wondrous story! When we hear of God becoming man, joining us in the world He has created by wrapping Himself in […]
Christmas is a BIG story! A wondrous story! When we hear of God becoming man, joining us in the world He has created by wrapping Himself in […]
Do you feel it yet? We’re only two days into December, and yet things are changing. People seem to be feeling a little happier, a little lighter; […]
If you really want to live your life to the full, there will be a lot of risks to take. That’s God’s idea! We so often want […]
It doesn’t take a relentless enemy — and Satan is relentless! — to cause you or I to stumble, it just takes us. Even as children of […]
Is it possible to run out of “good”? That sounds like a silly question, but it happens to be a real fear of many people. In 1980, […]
Days like yesterday (Thanksgiving Day), with houses full of loved ones and a veritable feast splayed across the dinner table, make understanding those living in dire need […]
Have you noticed on any given day that a majority of messages shared on social media are some form of attempt at encouragement for those suffering difficulties […]
You’ve probably heard people say they become hungry again an hour or two after eating a meal of Chinese food. But here’s one I haven’t heard before […]
Besides too much food and a lot of football, Thanksgiving Day brings with it a unique tension — a measure of whether we’re really content. If we’re […]
‘Tis the season for some people to scoff at the idea of having a national holiday for the giving of thanks, pointing out we should be thankful […]