You’ll need to do this to bring meaningful change to your life …
There’s a saying that nothing changes unless you do. That’s not true! Things are always changing around you, whether you change or not. The key is that […]
There’s a saying that nothing changes unless you do. That’s not true! Things are always changing around you, whether you change or not. The key is that […]
Most people are not leaders. There’s nothing wrong with that. But one of the most common and costly mistakes followers make is letting their leaders do their […]
One of the great distortions of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God by an increasing number of ministers is the notion that obedience […]
The writer of the book of Hebrews in the Bible did a masterful job of wanting to motivate, encourage, and challenge his readers to run the race […]
I’ve found it both interesting and disturbing how several pastors over the last few years have vaunted the concept of “perspective.” But the value of “perspective” was […]
We complain a lot about doctrine and theology, but when you look at how so many professing Christians live their lives, I think we’re woefully lacking in […]
There are multiple sports internationally that are more popular than American football, but few can compete with the financial success of the National Football League (NFL) and […]
When I used to train people in the gym as a Personal Trainer, it wasn’t uncommon for a 50-something to come into the gym and, with a […]
We’re told in the video of the 21 Coptic Christians beheaded by ISIS in Libya that you could hear the name of Jesus on the lips of […]
This verse jumped out at me this morning: “If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say, ‘Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you’,” Proverbs 3:28. […]