Maybe we should stop praying this way and do this instead …
Michelangelo — a sculptor, painter, and architect, among other things — was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime. So you may be familiar with one […]
Michelangelo — a sculptor, painter, and architect, among other things — was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime. So you may be familiar with one […]
Why did Jesus suffer and die on the cross? That seems to be such a simple question, for even the young child in Sunday school would likely […]
I’m an intensely observant person. Part of that comes from how God has wired me, part of that comes first from training as a journalist, then training […]
We talk about “change” in sweeping terms and poignant platitudes, but often very inaccurately. For example, not everyone wants change. There are many people who detest change, […]
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by an old habit? Maybe you can identify with former Los Angeles Dodgers baseball manager, Tommy Lasorda, as he describes his battle […]
If all you got every day was the exact measure of what you gave, would you like being on the receiving end of yourself? Thinking about it, […]
It was a dangerous rendezvous, but I escaped safely! That sounds a little more dramatic than it was. This morning I had a meeting with someone at […]
Have you heard the joke: How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but the bulb has to want to be changed! […]
The business world worships at the alter of multi-tasking, and it’s leaders are heralded when they can figure out how to do more with the same or […]
“We shall never forget.” That was the simple post from someone on Facebook today. With today being 9/11, everyone knew what he meant. We shall never forget […]