How Personal Trainers and pastors can share the wrong perspective …
I knew the day would come, and here it was. The latest Personal Trainer hired by the gym had injured his back lifting too much, incorrectly. I’ve […]
I knew the day would come, and here it was. The latest Personal Trainer hired by the gym had injured his back lifting too much, incorrectly. I’ve […]
You’ve probably read the many stories of interviews from servers in restaurants who say Christians are the worst tippers (the photo above is a REAL example). I’ve […]
The following series of advertisements appeared in a daily newspaper … MONDAY: “The Rev. A.J. Jones has one color TV set for sale. Telephone xxx-xxxx after 7 […]
Two psychiatrists meet at their 20th college class reunion. One of the men looks and acts vibrant, while the other looks withered and is worried. “So what’s […]
Why is it that at least once a year a pastor needs to preach on giving, and that’s not often enough? What is the big deal about […]
How much can we accomplish without God? That question has morphed into an attitude by which many live today, even those within the church. Instead of humbly […]
After a preacher died and went to heaven, he noticed that a New York cab driver had been given a higher place than he had. “I don’t […]
The people I’m sitting around inspired my writing this morning. At one table is a leading officer with the local police department, surrounded by three younger officers, […]
If you’re a creative who worships the concept of “story,” you might enjoy “Framing Faith” by Matt Knisely (published by Thomas Nelson). The real story is, this […]
How many people do you know who are genuinely content? It’s likely you know more people who would like to change their circumstances than you know who […]