The necessity of challenge …
“Daddy, daddy, look at this!” “Momma, watch what I can do, watch me!” Come the cries from children who then do the most simple of things as […]
“Daddy, daddy, look at this!” “Momma, watch what I can do, watch me!” Come the cries from children who then do the most simple of things as […]
Today, I just wanted to share a friendly reminder: The church you lead, it’s not your church. The church you are a member of, it’s not your […]
After years of study, you’ve earned a sheep skin and, some time along the way, a church has ordained you. You’ve been educated and set aside to […]
Have you ever been so poor that, when being invited to a friend’s home for dinner, you couldn’t afford to bring anything to contribute to the meal […]
Have you ever read a good book that drove you crazy because of a flawed writing style? I have. In fact, I just finished reading one I’m […]
Why do we put people on pedestals? Why do we accumulate things? Why do we hoard our money for ourselves? Why do we exalt recreation and luxury? […]
As a kid, did you ever have a teacher who had the habit of asking a lot of questions and randomly calling on students for answers? Yeah, […]
All of us live as if we’re addicts, just in different ways. Let me give you an example. Slavoj Zizek, the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst, offers this […]
Scrolling through my Facebook timeline, this post stopped me: “I want to sing but other patient is in deep sleep.” The person posting this is a young […]
If I were forced to place a wager on what the single most asked question in human history is, I’d bet it all on three letters comprising […]