How much can you handle?
It often isn’t the size of our burdens that wears us out, but what we do with them that has the greatest impact on our lives. Consider […]
It often isn’t the size of our burdens that wears us out, but what we do with them that has the greatest impact on our lives. Consider […]
When I walked into the classroom, I was immediately in childish awe of the hand-made paper stars sprinkled with colored glitter hanging over each student desk, with […]
Would you rather have people praise you for your accomplishments, or speak well of you personally? When we work hard to accomplish something, it’s nice when people […]
It was yet another article on leadership, this one focusing on how to achieve excellence in ministry. Like many articles on “pastoral leadership,” the few sure steps […]
The times we’re living in are known as the “information age,” where information is more abundant and easily accessible than any time in human history. In spite […]
The idea of going to college is so deeply enmeshed into the American dream, it would seem silly to ask if college is worth the overall investment. […]
In one of the malls in the north Dallas area is a hair salon called “Visible Changes.” The concept for this salon is to place the chairs […]
Christians and churches do many great things for people around the world every Christmas. I wanted to share with you something you could be a part of […]
Often called the “father of modern missions,” William Carey repaired and sold shoes by trade before going to India. Carey kept a map of India in his […]
Jesus could say from the cross, “It is finished.” As disciples of Jesus Christ, we cannot say “it is finished.” Jesus could make that grand statement because […]