It’s time you served notice …
A friend of mine has been struggling with certain issues for years. Finally tired of the struggle that keeps her constantly weary, she proclaimed a certain day […]
A friend of mine has been struggling with certain issues for years. Finally tired of the struggle that keeps her constantly weary, she proclaimed a certain day […]
Everywhere. That’s where God is. You might not think that considering the language we choose to use about interacting with God. We talk about “encountering” God, “experiencing” […]
Becoming a follower of Jesus Christ is not the same thing as doing the “Costanza Opposite.” The what?! You remember the George Costanza character on the TV […]
One of the baristas at the local Starbucks recently described to me and his co-workers how he played volleyball first thing that morning before heading out for […]
People don’t like rules because they don’t like the idea of obedience. Even in the church, we hear a great deal of derision for rules or standards, […]
Is depression contagious? According to today’s news report, it is. Research was conducted among college students sharing dorm rooms. Persons who shared a room with someone with […]
The message from Nike: “Just do it.” The message from many pulpits: “Do something!” Those two messages aren’t the same thing, and it’s turning out the message […]
One beautiful Sunday morning, the pastor of a church made the following offer to the congregation: “My good people, I have here in my hands three sermons: […]
Why is it that one of the most profound absences in many churches is the great scarcity of disciple-making disciples? Why is it that more church congregations […]
While visiting a Swiss town, an American businessman watched a man painstakingly carving the casing for one of the fine, hand-crafted cuckoo clocks made in that region. […]