The hesitant bride …
Have you ever experienced an awkward moment with someone where their response to you was one of hesitation? Perhaps they were hesitant about caring, or helping, or […]
Have you ever experienced an awkward moment with someone where their response to you was one of hesitation? Perhaps they were hesitant about caring, or helping, or […]
Christmas is a mission milestone for God. That’s because even before He created human beings, He knew we would betray Him for sin, wrecking our relationship with […]
December is naturally a time for introspection because it’s the last month of the year. You’ve spent another 365 days of your life you’ll never get back. […]
Is it just me, or does it seem like the clock ticks more quickly in December? Already nearly two weeks into the month, a new year will […]
True story, which happened just yesterday. I was working away on my laptop at a local Starbucks when two 20-something Hispanic males (I would later learn they […]
There’s a corrupt addiction to “leadership” in the church that’s unhealthy and drives many pastors to focus not on making disciples but on making new leaders. That’s […]
Like a moth drawn to a flame, human beings are drawn to what delights them. We most highly value, and make time for, the things we find […]
While scanning through tweets on Twitter this morning, one from a minister jumped out at me. The fellow used his 240 characters to note how, after 30 […]
On a few occasions, I’ve sat and listened to some professing Christians sitting together telling stories of their pre-Christian years. For most, it’s a tale of a […]
It is natural — and beneficial! — to mourn. A minister once told the story of a young woman in his church who asked him to talk […]