10 things you can do to nurture a relationship …
I have no idea who it was who came up with a quote often shared via social media memes that claim some relationships are for a lifetime, […]
I have no idea who it was who came up with a quote often shared via social media memes that claim some relationships are for a lifetime, […]
In 1977, Lloyd Perry wrote a book called, “Gettin the Church on Target,” in which he quoted the following statistic: “The Carnegie Technological Institute has stated that […]
Do you know what is important to you? That question sounds so silly, it seems to be nothing but a waste of time. But in the modern […]
If you’ve ever had a friend you KNEW, without a shadow of a doubt, that you could count on for help when needed, you probably considered yourself […]
Laughing together through life adds to the joy a family can experience. Humor can be a great thing! “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken […]
Every year, I usually share a “back to school” blog post to help parents remember that “going to school” isn’t as easy as we adults often try […]
Living in the “information age” means we’re swimming in advertising! It seems like everywhere you look, an advertisement has been inserted in an attempt to sell you […]
One of the most powerful actions you can take for improving and changing your life is to become aware of your self-talk and then reduce the negative […]
From the selfishness that we often hide as the core of who we are, we are wildly insincere when it comes to loving others unconditionally. Anyone. Shona […]
I love “little Johnny” stories! Have you heard this one? At Sunday school they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny, a child […]