Because of grace …
There’s no human being alive, or who has ever lived, who has earned or deserves the grace of God. “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short […]
There’s no human being alive, or who has ever lived, who has earned or deserves the grace of God. “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short […]
The “gurus” of the positive-thinking industry make fortunes convincing people that they’re much stronger than they think they are, and they can be anything they want to […]
One of the most over-used and unfulfilled phrases in the church today has got to be this: “Doing life together.” It’s probably most applied to describing small […]
“He looks just like you!” “She has your eyes!” “He’s got your nose!” Have you ever made such comments to a friend upon seeing their newborn baby? […]
I’ve worked with the truly poor most of my adult life. Still, I have surprised myself by how much I’ve let a person’s social media post bother […]
It was just late last year that I attended the launch service for Grace City Church, a new church plant in the University City area of beautiful […]
In our fear of not being relevant to our culture, we Christians have purposely dropped the use of several biblical words. Instead of teaching a clear understanding […]
When God created us human beings, He did not use a cookie cutter. We’re all different. That means that some of us are stronger than others — […]
I’m one of those people who grew up poor but didn’t know it. One thing that pointed to my family’s limited resources was the few choices available […]
Popular “sayings” become popular because they can help us understand a point more clearly. Take, for example, the saying, “You can put lipstick on a pig, but […]