Blasting away that spiritual flabbiness …
It might be easier to get someone to go see their dentist than it is to get them to hire a Personal Trainer. After all, the screech […]
It might be easier to get someone to go see their dentist than it is to get them to hire a Personal Trainer. After all, the screech […]
We love a second chance! When we’re behind, we love a second chance to rally back. When we’ve made a mistake, we love a second chance to […]
A statement in a tweet from a Twitter friend captured my attention. That’s because it casts light on how we tend to “do church” in today’s culture. […]
In previous discussions about leadership, whenever I raised the issue about how biblical scholarship is lacking among too many of today’s church leaders, I often got a […]
Why do some churches use canned photos of models on their website? I’m not saying that’s wrong. It’s not something I’ve spent a lot of time thinking […]
You know how it is: you’re sitting with your laptop in a Starbucks and right next to you are two people having a conversation. Now, by “right […]
One of the most under-utilized staff positions among churches is that of the Worship Leader. That’s because for many churches, the person serving in that position really […]
Enough already! Yet another article is out by a 20-something “Christian hipster” making his argument against evangelism and for the need to build relationships within which we […]
There are many biblically incorrect statements in the video below. There are also some biblically correct statements. Take four minutes and watch it … I’m not going […]
You’ve likely heard the old saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different outcome. In that […]