Missing the point when it comes to discipleship …
After a few decades at failing in its responsibilities of discipleship, and even more so in making new disciples, the topic of “discipleship” has finally become common […]
After a few decades at failing in its responsibilities of discipleship, and even more so in making new disciples, the topic of “discipleship” has finally become common […]
We’re already rolling well into November, a time when church leaders would normally be crossing their “t’s” and dotting their “i’s” on programming plans and budgets for […]
October is designated as Pastor Appreciation Month. Every year at this time you’ll see all kinds of articles suggesting a myriad of ways you can demonstrate your […]
Not only does the average person feel like the world today has turned upside down, so do many pastors. In fact, pastors have been so deeply impacted […]
There’s a story about a pastor who never prepared during the week, so on Sunday morning he would sit on the platform while the congregation sang and […]
When you hear the term “retail therapy” you likely picture someone with arms laden with bags from shopping, not for needs but instead using spending on themselves […]
Over the past couple of decades, I think some church leaders have become very afraid to ask the people in the congregations they lead to serve, to […]
Have you ever experienced an awkward moment with someone where their response to you was one of hesitation? Perhaps they were hesitant about caring, or helping, or […]
Imagine … … when you show up for work tomorrow, you’re immediately directed to the Human Resources office. Not a fun way to start your day! It […]
The people who have the greatest spiritual influence in the lives of children, and are the primary “pastors” to children, are parents. That’s the way God intended […]