How to remove a huge frustration from your life …
Some of the most faithful Christians, some of the kindest, most caring people I know carry around a massive frustration: That of seeing other people missing out […]
Some of the most faithful Christians, some of the kindest, most caring people I know carry around a massive frustration: That of seeing other people missing out […]
What are some of the things you’ve been supplied with when starting a new position? A uniform? Cell phone? Cubicle or office? Laptop computer? Company car? Business […]
The gray paint on the old Ford Taurus that drove by was so worn it looked unbuffed and beaten. The vehicle was missing a rear bumper. None […]
When I was actively training people in a gym as a certified Personal trainer, I had to renew my CPR/AED certification every two years. CPR/AED training is […]
We love a second chance! When we’re behind, we love a second chance to rally back. When we’ve made a mistake, we love a second chance to […]
The keynote speaker at a business convention several years ago challenged the members of his audience with this question: “Describe yourself separate and apart from your job […]
You’ve likely heard the old saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different outcome. In that […]
The American worker is the most productive worker on the planet! And once again, productivity rose 2.3 percent (see the story here ) during the third […]
Church planting is broadly thought of within today’s church as the most effective way of “growing” the church, kind of like the way Al Gore proclaims global […]
Pointing people to half an answer won’t lead them to a whole life. Such is the situation we see all too often in the church. For all […]