Key basics to attaining and maintaining your physical fitness …
A retired couple decided they should walk two miles a day to stay in shape. They chose to walk a mile out on a lonely country road […]
A retired couple decided they should walk two miles a day to stay in shape. They chose to walk a mile out on a lonely country road […]
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by an old habit? Maybe you can identify with former Los Angeles Dodgers baseball manager, Tommy Lasorda, as he describes his battle […]
I knew the day would come, and here it was. The latest Personal Trainer hired by the gym had injured his back lifting too much, incorrectly. I’ve […]
Have you ever sat in church and suddenly become so tired it felt like the hand of God itself was reaching down and pulling your eyelids closed? […]
You started your day in a hurry to get the kids off to school, so you poured them a bowl of cereal while you dressed for work. […]
How many people do you think refuse to accept the reality that our physical bodies are one of the greatest stewardships God has entrusted us with? I […]
When Stan hired me to be his Personal Trainer, it was because he had to, not because he wanted to. Stan was in his mid-fifties, part owner […]
Have you ever watched others do a physical activity that seemed enjoyable, and so you wanted to do it as well? That was me with running. I’ve […]
Let me preface this “fitness reality” moment by first stating I have worked with all sorts of people as a Certified Personal Trainer, especially people struggling with […]
The topic of fitness is full of myths! There are so many misconceptions and a lot of misinformation about getting fit, staying fit, specific areas of fitness, […]