Living by (manic) faith …
I never saw the movie “It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World,” but I always liked the title, just because it has a lot of truth in […]
I never saw the movie “It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World,” but I always liked the title, just because it has a lot of truth in […]
Revival had started to break out in the Scottish Hebrides in 1949 before Duncan Campbell (pictured above) arrived there. But the ladies who had prayed for revival, […]
When I was very young, my mother occasionally went shopping at Kmart. I always liked going along because while she shopped, I lost myself in the aisles […]
People don’t like rules because they don’t like the idea of obedience. Even in the church, we hear a great deal of derision for rules or standards, […]
The message from Nike: “Just do it.” The message from many pulpits: “Do something!” Those two messages aren’t the same thing, and it’s turning out the message […]
The Karankawa Indians, who used to inhabit the lower Gulf plains of Texas and Mexico, met their demise in the middle of the Texas Revolution in 1836. […]
An elderly couple waiting in line to pay for their groceries were discussing their upcoming 50th wedding anniversary. The young cashier, shaking her head, interjected with the […]
We’ve made the measure of a successful Sunday gathering “at church” to be the number of happy people leaving the building. Bad measure! By being more concerned […]
Throughout my ministry career, I’ve been approached by several men who believed God had called them to vocational ministry or others who were convinced God was directing […]
I wanted information on a particular subject, so what did I do? I turned to Google, of course. I typed in the word identifying the topic I […]